39 research outputs found


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    In order to answer the needs for empowering students, teachers and parents in the area of e-safety, NGO “Suradnici u učenju” helped five primary schools in European Union-funded project “ Children’s safety on the Internet “ developing new school curriculum area for children’s safety on the Internet for students aged 7 -14, their parents, teachers and local community. Curriculum consist of pedagogical-didactical model, acceptable use policies, multimedia resources, textbooks and guides. The project aims were improving students’ digital competences and encourage children to assume responsibility for their own safety with a focus on empowerment, emphasizing responsible behaviour and digital citizenship and to raise e-safety awareness. In this paper we discuss the content and evaluation of school curriculum developed in that project. The curriculum was tested with students aged 7 to 14, their parents and teachers. Results show that the curriculum and learning resources fully satisfied students’ expectations and that the team of authors successfully implemented modern strategies in the curriculum and resources creation. That school curriculum is now used as base for new national curriculum of subject Informatics and cross-curricular topic Use of ICT. Resources created for school curriculum are freely available for further use on project web site http://petzanet.hrKako bi osnažili učenike, učitelje i roditelje u području e-sigurnosti, udruga „Suradnici u učenju“ surađivala je s pet osnovnih škola na provođenju EU projekta „Sigurnost djece na internetu“ razvoj novog školskog kurikuluma za sigurnost djece na internetu za učenike starosti 7 do 14 godina, njihove roditelje, učitelje i lokalnu zajednicu. Kurikulum se sastoji od pedagoško-didaktičkog modela, politika prihvatljivog korištenja, multimedijskih sadržaja, udžbenika i priručnika. Cilj projekta bio je poboljšanje digitalnih kompetencija učenika, poticanje učenika u preuzimanju odgovornosti za svoju sigurnost s fokusom na osnaživanje uz odgovorno ponašanje, digitalno građanstvo te podizanje razine osviještenosti o sigurnosti na internetu. U ovom radu govorimo o sadržaju i evaluaciji školskog kurikuluma koji je napravljen u tom projektu. Kurikulum je testiran s učenicima 7 – 14 godina, njihovim roditeljima i učiteljima. Rezultati pokazuju da kurikulum i obrazovni sadržaji zadovoljavaju učenička očekivanja te da je autorski tim uspješno primijenio moderne strategije pri razvoju kurikukuluma i sadržaja. Spomenuti školski kurikulum upotrijebljen je kao osnova pri stvaranju novih kurikuluma za Informatiku i međupredmetnu temu Uporaba IKU. Svi sadržaji su javno dostupni na mrežnoj stranici projekta http://petzanet.h

    Šesti hrvatski slavistički kongres

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    Izvještaj sa Šestog hrvatskog slavističkog kongresa održanog u Vukovaru i Vinkovcima, 10. do 13. rujna 2014. Bio je to drugi put da se Hrvatski slavistički kongres održava na istoku Hrvatske, no prvi put na području Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. Tematski, kongres je obilježio stotu godišnjicu Hrvatske mlade lirike i stotu obljetnicu smrti Antuna Gustava Matoša

    Paediatric hand burns

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    Opekline šake u djece su relativno česte, uzrokovane pri dodiru s vrelim površinama, vrućom vodom, pirotehnikom i plamenom. Pravilnim konzervativnim ili operacijskim pristupom njihovom liječenju uz fizikalnu terapiju mogu se izbjeći ili smanjiti funkcijske i estetske posljedice. Neurovaskularna ugroza jedna je od najtežih komplikacija cirkumferentnih i dubokih opeklina šake i zahtijeva hitnu dekompresiju. Površne opeklinske ozljede i veći dio opeklina djelomične debljine kože dobro zacjeljuju uz pomoć različitih obloga za epitelizaciju. Dio opeklina djelomične i sve opekline pune debljine kože, zbog opsežnosti gubitka tkiva, zahtijevaju kirurški pristup i primjenu autolognih kožnih transplantata, kožnih režnjeva ili dermalnih regeneracijskih predložaka. Ekscizija u blijedoj stazi nožem ili hidrokirurškim sustavom, dobra hemostaza, transplantati djelomične debljine kože s vlasišta ili bedra, uz potporu kondicionirane plazme obogaćene trombocitima i uređaja za cijeljenje rana negativnim tlakom pristup su koji u pravilu daje dobre rezultate liječenja u djece. Dostupni dermalni regeneracijski predlošci svojom građom i potporom cijeljenju kvalitetnije nadomještaju dermalni sloj uz jednake ili bolje konačne funkcijske i estetske rezultate. U nedostatku periosta ili tetivnih ovojnica nakon debridmana opeklinske rane šake izbor je primjena kožnih režnjeva. Unutar prva 24 sata nakon opeklinske ozljede treba započeti s fizikalnom terapijom aktivnim i pasivnim vježbama. Ožiljci i kontrakture nakon liječenja opeklina šake mogu dovesti do djelomičnog gubitka funkcije šake. Osim kirurškog, multimodalni pristup uključuje primjenu masaže, silikonskih preparata, kompresivnih rukavica i laserske tretmane PDL i CO2 frakcijskim ablacijskim laserom. Najčešće tehnike plastične kirurgije kod operacijskih korekcija opeklinskih ožiljaka na dječjoj šaci su lokalni transpozicijski i klizni režnjevi te transplantati pune debljine kože.Hand burns are relatively common in children, caused by contact with hot surfaces, hot water, fireworks and flame. Appropriate conservative or surgical approach to their treatment with physical therapy can avoid or reduce functional and aesthetic consequences. Neurovascular compromise is one of the most serious complications of circumferential and deep hand burns and requires immediate decompression. Superficial burn injuries and most partial skin thickness burns can heal well using various epithelial dressings. Partial and full thickness skin burns require surgical access and use of autologous skin grafts, skin flaps or dermal regeneration templates. Bloodless excision with a surgical knife or hydro-surgical system, good haemostasis, scalp or thigh split thickness skin grafts, supported by platelet-rich plasma, and negative pressure wound treatment are approaches that generally provide good outcomes in children. The available dermal regeneration templates, with their structure and support for healing, replace dermal layer with equal or better final functional and aesthetic results. In the absence of periosteum or tendon sheaths after debridement of a burn wound, skin grafts are options for treatment. Within the first 24 hours after burn injury, physical therapy with active and passive exercises should be initiated. Scars and contractures after paediatric hand burns can lead to partial loss of function. The multimodal approach, in addition to surgery, involves massage, silicone gel and sheaths, compression gloves and PDL and CO2 fractional ablation laser treatments. Surgical techniques for scar correction of paediatric hand are local transposition and sliding flaps and full thickness skin grafts

    Antimicrobial efficiency of functionalized cellulose fibres as potential medical textiles

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    This chapter presents an overview of methods for cellulose fibres functionalization in order to introduce antimicrobial activity. In view the need for ecologically friendly textiles antimicrobial finishing is introduced, together with some strategies for the functionalization of fibres using biodegradable polysaccharides such as the use of chitosan. Additionally,the methods used for the microbiological testing of these fibres are discussed and the current disadvantages of these methods indicated. Moreover, a new strategy for a reliable methodology regarding the antimicrobial testing of oriented fibre-based polymers such as cellulose is discussed, which could also be useful within several other polymer industrial fields

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Harmirins, Novel Harmine–Coumarin Hybrids as Potential Anticancer Agents

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    As cancer remains one of the major health burdens worldwide, novel agents, due to the development of resistance, are needed. In this work, we designed and synthesized harmirins, which are hybrid compounds comprising harmine and coumarin scaffolds, evaluated their antiproliferative activity, and conducted cell localization and cell cycle analysis experiments. Harmirins were prepared from the corresponding alkynes and azides under mild reaction conditions using Cu(I) catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition, leading to the formation of the 1H-1, 2, 3-triazole ring. Antiproliferative activity of harmirins was evaluated in vitro against four human cancer cell lines (MCF-7, HCT116, SW620, and HepG2) and one human non-cancer cell line (HEK293T). The most pronounced activities were exerted against MCF-7 and HCT116 cell lines (IC50 in the single-digit micromolar range), while the most selective harmirins were 5b and 12b, substituted at C-3 and O-7 of the β-carboline core and bearing methyl substituent at position 6 of the coumarin ring (SIs > 7.2). Further experiments demonstrated that harmirin 12b is localized exclusively in the cytoplasm. In addition, it induced a strong G1 arrest and reduced the percentage of cells in the S phase, suggesting that it might exert its antiproliferative activity through inhibition of DNA synthesis, rather than DNA damage. In conclusion, harmirin 12b is a novel harmine and coumarin hybrid with significant antiproliferative activity and warrants further evaluation as a potential anticancer agent

    Use Scenarios & Practical Examples of AI Use in Education

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    This report presents a set of use scenarios based on existing resources that teachers can use as inspiration to create their own, with the aim of introducing artificial intelligence (AI) at different pre-university levels, and with different goals. The Artificial Intelligence Education field (AIEd) is very active, with new resources and tools arising continuously. Those included in this document have already been tested with students and selected by experts in the field, but they must be taken just as practical examples to guide and inspire teachers creativity.Comment: Developed within the AI in Education working group of the European Digital Education Hu

    Polycationic Monomeric and Homodimeric Asymmetric Monomethine Cyanine Dyes with Hydroxypropyl Functionality—Strong Affinity Nucleic Acids Binders

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    New analogs of the commercial asymmetric monomethine cyanine dyes thiazole orange (TO) and thiazole orange homodimer (TOTO) with hydroxypropyl functionality were synthesized and their properties in the presence of different nucleic acids were studied. The novel compounds showed strong, micromolar and submicromolar affinities to all examined DNA ds- polynucleotides and poly rA–poly rU. The compounds studied showed selectivity towards GC-DNA base pairs over AT-DNA, which included both binding affinity and a strong fluorescence response. CD titrations showed aggregation along the polynucleotide with well-defined supramolecular chirality. The single dipyridinium-bridged dimer showed intercalation at low dye-DNA/RNA ratios. All new cyanine dyes showed potent micromolar antiproliferative activity against cancer cell lines, making them promising theranostic agents

    Design, Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterisation and In Vitro Cytostatic Evaluation of Novel Bis(coumarin-1,2,3-triazolyl)benzenes and Hybrid Coumarin-1,2,3-triazolyl-aryl Derivatives

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    In this work, a series of novel 1, 2, 3-triazolyl-coumarin hybrid systems were designed as potential antitumour agents. The structural modification of the coumarin ring was carried out by Cu(I)-catalysed Huisgen 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition of 7-azido-4-methylcoumarin and terminal aromatic alkynes to obtain 1, 4-disubstituted 1, 2, 3-triazolyl-coumarin conjugates 2a–g, bis(1, 2, 3-triazolyl-coumarin)benzenes 2h–i and coumarin-1, 2, 3-triazolyl-benzazole hybrids 4a–b. The newly synthesised hybrid molecules were investigated for in vitro antitumour activity against five human cancer cell lines, colon carcinoma HCT116, breast carcinoma MCF-7, lung carcinoma H 460, human T-lymphocyte cells CEM, cervix carcinoma cells HeLa, as well as human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1). Most of these compounds showed moderate to pronounced cytotoxic activity, especially towards MCF-7 cell lines with IC50 = 0.3–32 μM. In addition, compounds 2a–i and 4a–b were studied by UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy and their basic photophysical parameters were determined